Exhibitions & Events
Studios of Cocoa Beach
Call for Artists June 2025
"In Mind’s Eye" Exhibit
The Studios of Cocoa Beach, located in the heart of downtown Cocoa Beach at 165 Minutemen Causeway next to Heidi’s Jazz Club, will feature a group exhibit entitled “In Mind’s Eye” from June 3 through July 6, 2025. The exhibit is a juried event and will feature artists whose works display talented qualities in composition, technique and individuality.
Downtown Cocoa Beach is active with locals from Brevard and is noted for its many out-of-state visitors.
If you are interested in joining us please submit your application
by going to our website at www.studiosofcocoabeach.org or mailing in your application. Drop-off at the Studios is also accepted.
Specifications for entry:
Applicants may submit two entries
First entry - $30.00
Second entry $15.00
2-dimensional and 3-dimensional works accepted. (Acceptance of 3-dimensional work is limited because of our limited space).
Size of 2-dimensional entries should be no more than 40 inches wide and 40” height.
Size of 3-dimensional works should be no more than 18” tall. Artists accepted should be able to provide a stand for display.
Digital entries: Must be in Jpeg format
Images of works should be taken “straight on” not on an angle. Please crop out the background if possible.
Pixels should be no more than 1920 pixels in both width and height File names should be:
First name, Last name, Title of work
example: JohnDowInMindsEye Payment for entries can be made on-line
Mail in Entries (or drop off)
Include the application
CD or thumb drive with pictures of the work. Please send low res pictures. Images of works should be taken “straight on” not on an angle. Please crop out the background if possible.
Please title of the work
First name, Last name, Title
example: JohnDowInMindsEye
Payment for entries in check form. Cash is not accepted.
Send application to:
Studios of Cocoa Beach Attention: June 2025
165 Minutemen Causeway Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
Or email - studiosofcocoabeach@gmail.com
Specifications for those artworks that are accepted:
Works must be framed or on gallery wrap canvas. If the works require glass, please use Plexiglass on works larger than 18” x 24” or larger than 432 square inches.
All 2-dimensional work must be wired properly. No sawtooth hangers accepted.
*Works must be ready for hanging when delivered (wire, proper presentation). ***We will not be able to include work in the show that are not ready for presentation or hanging.
Jury Awards
Best in Show- Certificate, Free entry into a Juried Show scheduled for February 2026- Two works accepted
2nd Place- Certificate, Free entry into a Juried Show scheduled for February 2026- One work accepted + $15 for second work.
3rd Place- Certificate, $15 entry into a Juried Show scheduled for February 2026- One work accepted + $15 for second work
Merritt Awards- Certificate
*At this time we do not offer cash prizes.
*Jury will be done by a committee from the Studios of Cocoa Beach.
*Only outside artists are accepted (not artists from the Studios).
Sales All works must be for sale. The Studios will take a 30% commission on sales. Artists that have sales of their works will be paid in July before July 15th. In the case of a sale, artists may replace the work with a similar size work.
*The Studios has the right to curate the replaced work.
Shipping Artists are responsible for shipping. The Studios will inform the buyer that a shipping charge will be determined by the artist. We will contact the artist to inform them of the shipping option and provide the contact of the buyer.
Show run: June 3 - July 6 May 18
All entries are due May 23 Results of application will be informed by email
Sunday, June 1 Drop accepted work in the Studios- 9:00- 5:00
Mon., June 2 Studios installs the exhibit:
Fri., June 6 Reception 6:00 - 8:30
Mon., July 7 Pick up work 9:00 to 7:00
Studios contact:
Classes & Workshops
For Beginners or Advanced painters, our MASTERS SERIES allows Jan to lead you through each Master painter to develop this specific painting with the Master in mind using your particular colors and materials.
Come see this exciting new exhibit at the Studios of Cocoa Beach!