Debora Tweedie
Mediums - Acrylic, Mixed Media, Photography, Sculpture
I started taking photographs and developing black and white film at a young age with my dad. I grew up thinking I wanted to be an Interior Designer like my dad but living down at the Jersey Shore for the summers changed my dreams. I now wanted to be a Marine Biologist. My dream came true, I went to Fairleigh Dickenson University in Madison, New Jersey, and the St. Croix, USVI campuses. I was able to study Marine Biology and Marine Geology. SCUBA diving was now a passion of mine in St., Croix.
After graduating from college, trying to make a living in the Marine Science field was an eye-opener. My next career option with my background was teaching. Thirty-six years later, I retired from teaching High school Marine Science, Zoology, Anatomy & Physiology as well as coaching high school swimming. I loved teaching but not the pay that teachers received in Lorida. My retirement led to having fun with my two Grandsons and traveling with my family. It also led to the creation of my FantaSea Fish. Moving from the West Coast of Florida to the East Coast meant that I had an unlimited amount of palm tree seed pods. My fish are whimsical but anatomically correct. I use local vegetation for the fins and tails and am always on the lookout for a pile of yard waste on the side of the road.
I hope you enjoy my photography and my FantaSea Fish. I enjoy creating them and sharing my love of the ocean!